Irena Cushen

We approached ResortBrokers Managing Director Trudy Crooks for a valuation and appraisal of our franchising business City Edge with the view to potentially sell the brand, systems and income roll from the franchises. We had a number of special conditions which potentially would put off many agents. For example, we did not want publicity, no advertising, no distraction to the franchisees’ operations and complete confidentiality until the contracts were signed. Trudy was able to accommodate all our conditions, obtain a market price for our business and we settled within three months. I highly recommend Trudy. She is professional, has a good balance of being firm and reasonable. She is an excellent negotiator. I found it was easy to communicate with her and I could understand her line of thought very well. I recommend Trudy’s services and would not hesitate to use her again.  

Irena Cushen, Director
City Edge Franchising

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