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When you become part of our tribe, you’ll receive regular updates on major news and developments and be a part of the most informed group in the accommodation industry, backed by high quality reports and research and the in-depth knowledge and experience of our motivated team. With more than 35 years in the industry, we have the know-how to help you succeed in your business. You’ll also have access to the digital version of Informer, the accommodation industry’s leading magazine.

We have access to some of the very best business opportunities on the market across all sectors including management rights, motels, caravan parks and resorts and you’ll have easy access to new listings across Australia as they hit the market.

Because we are recognised as the leaders in our field, we regularly host seminars for those in our network and our Management Rights Made Easy and Quest Franchise seminars are hugely popular. We’re also involved in major industry events such as the Australasian Hotel Industry Conference and Exhibition, the Caravan Industry Association of Australia National Conference, The Urban Developer seminars and 80 Twenty Hotel Media conferences.

Quite simply, we’re at the forefront of what’s going on and we’ll keep you updated on all you need to know about what’s happening in this exciting industry.